Monday, April 26, 2010

Memory of the establishment of KTI Gresik

"Memories with a such friendly and amicable KTI Surabaya that made the establishment of KTI Gresik"

KTI Surabaya is one of the community of Chevrolet Troopers fans and owner who domicile in Surabaya, East Java. Starting with my joinning (Sri Sadono from Gresik) to this community in the mid of 2005. And as time goes by, it turns out that we found there are numbers of Troopers fans in Surabaya. During our participation in this community, me and my family really felt the true happiness in a community life which was so amicable, especially among the member of KTI Surabaya.

We usually had our 'Kopdar' on every Saturday Night in Bambu Runcing area, and we really comfortable joining with the KTI Surabaya, to the point that our family always exited in waiting for the next Saturday so we could carry out the 'Kopdar' together with our fellow KTI Surabaya friends. We often do the touring with our family and participated in the events held together with the KTI National. In fact, the events was so amicable, so the ladies also had time and make their own gathering group. Often the events of touring was a result of a social chat during Kopdar. So over time, we decided to establish KTI Gresik. And with the God's bless, we formally established the KTI Gresik on 7 July 2007 with the total member of 7 Troopers.

As the members increased, sometime the KTI events were held together with the other KTI chapter, such as the 8th Trooper Indonesia Gathering (TIG) which was held on 2008 in Bromo mountain.

With KTI Surabaya and light off road at Gresik (Kedamen hills)

Article by Sri Sadono, 04-2010
Editted by Yudhi

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