Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cycling Day at Ragunan Zoo, 6 June 2010

On Sunday, 6 June 2010 ago, some of KTI members who love cycling and domicile in Jakarta had a cycling time together at Ragunan Zoo, South Jakarta. This 'Cycling Together' is one of the event where in this year was planned to be included in the KTI activities to accommodate those who have other hobbies and activities beside automotive, especially in KTI Jaya chapter, where we believe are good, usefull and provide benefits for all of us. One of them is cycling together.

This cycling event was actually started some time ago, which was initiated by Ryco and supported by the other KTI Jaya colleagues. So does what we have this time at Ragunan zoo, where attended by 6 KTI members like Ryco, Yudhi, Henry Pancasila, Heddi and Rony Bambang.

Cycling in Ragunan zoo area was very fun and exciting. Beside there was long track, the atmosphere was also nice with the fresh air and shady trees which made us very excited and pleasant. Unfortunately we start this event a little bit late so we had to face so many zoo visitor along the track. And one other thing, that we could also enjoy to see all the animals inside the zoo.

We are planning to have this event to be a regular event, and try to find other interesting spot with nice and fun cycling tracks, so the event itself will be so comfortable and enjoyable.

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