Thursday, June 24, 2010

KOPDAR Angkringan, Bogor, 5 June 2010

Starting in June 2010, KTI Jaya which covers Jakarta, Bogor and Bekasi are planning to do a Kopdar Roadshow from one city to another, in other to strengthen the bond of the relationship between each chapter under KTI Jaya. By involving some colleagues from other city like Bandung, Cilegon and even Cirebon, it is planned to be regularly held and in rotation so each town will have their opportunity to have the warmthness of the Kodar in their home town.

Beginning with the 'Rain city' Bogor, the Kopdar was held on Saturday, 5 June 2010 at a place called 'Angkringan Landy' in Yasmin, Bogor. Our colleagues from Jakarta, Bogor, Cibubur and even from Solo, participated in this event. The Kopdar which was called 'Kopdar Angkringan' was presented by more than 30 cars and more than 60 people, including kids. It was started at 20.00 pm until 23.30 pm. During this event, there were also some new member like Mr. Handoko from Cibubur and Mr. Yudha from Bogor. Mr. Yudha apparently is the brother of the Leader of KTI East Java, Mr. Widiyantoro.

This Kopdar was amazing. It was prepared by our KTI Bogor colleagues which was led by Adit, and it recalled the importance of a togetherness and relationship which has been existed until now for years. Each participant re-introduce theirself and their family during this gathering, especially to the new members.

This was also the first Kopdar ever held at night. At the beginning we have some doubts in the number of participants who were able to attend to this Kopdar...was it few and less then what we had expected? But it turned out wrong, because apparently most of our colleagues came and the amount were not even change a lot compare to the earlier Kopdars. It was incredible having these enthusiasm of our colleagues in KTI, because of this strong spirit the brotherhood are always exist and presented among the big family of Indonesia Trooper Community.

Thanks to our KTI Bogor colleagues for welcoming us in this great Kopdar.

Bravo KTI!!

Artikel by Yudhi
Photo by Ryco, Yudhi

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