On the last 18 April 2010, KTI Jaya has successfully carried out an annual KTI event called TIFOR (Trooper Indonesia Fun Off Road) at Borbolang area, Bogor, West Java. This time there were 30 participants including 3 Jeep Cherookee, 1 Nissan Patrol, 1 Toyota Surf and 1 Landy. As planned by the event committee and in accordance with the format of TIFOR itself, the event that was originally expected to provide some off road experiences for other colleagues who are new in off road activities and also a first timer in such events, it turned out to be an extreme experience. This was because during the execution of the events, we had hard rain which turned the format of TIFOR to became the semi-TIAOR (Trooper Indonesia Adventure Off Road) which is an extreme off road format.
Here are the details of the event,
The group stopped for a while to get some logistic supplies (lunches) near the exit toll, and moves directly to the location for a cross country ride during the journey to the next regrouping point.
At this regrouping point and after the lining up all the vehicles, the event continued to Couching Clinic which was delivered by Irawan. Apparently while we were alligning the cars, apparently we found out that 4x4 transmission of Mr. Gafoer's Trooper did not work. The winching action then started and this became the first lesson for the participants who attend to this event for the first time, the recovery technique using a winch.
Couching Clinic
Although it was only a brief couching clinic, the clinic gave enough tips of a proper off roading, so hopefully in the next journey all participant were able to practice the given recovery technique. Irawan was able to deliverd very well the technique about driving a vehicle that is under towed by strap, driving technique in slippery terrain, and recovery using strap.
After the couching clinic was done, it was then continued with lunch break and then cross country trail with more challenging track condition.
This time TIFOR provides some variation in obstacle which was called 'Ngehe'. There were Ngehe-1 and up to the extreme Ngehe-3. Ngehe-1 was an inclined terrain located on the sidelines of tea plantation. This obstacle took the 1st victim, Adit, where his Trooper exeperienced the bended long tie rod and detached tie rod. As a result, he could not continue the journey and stayed in Ngehe-1 location for some repair. Luckily we have San-San, the Irawan's co-driver, who were able to help and execute the repair. The tie rod were fixed and Adit withdrawal from TIFOR since there was not any possibility for him to continue.
Some vehicles were managed to overcome Ngehe-1, while the others took a re-route which was safer for most vehicles. The participants gathered back to continue the journey through forest. While we moved out into this track, there was heavy rain which then turned the track into a more extreme one. After some curve and narrow passage with dense branches along the path, finally we reached the Ngehe-2 obstacle. This obstacle was a sharp turn and continued with inclined path. Due to the heavy rain, the soil at this slope become very muddy and caused some Troopers stuck and need to be pulled by the other at front. From this part, TIFOR has become semi-TIAOR. And from this point, the 2-wheel drive Trooper of Mr. Gafoer were oftenly supported and pulled in order to be able to continue the journey. What a remarkable cooperation and brotherhood by the fellow KTI member.
Next route was the similiar rout as previous one. A narrow passage and filled with crowded branches. But when arrived in Ngehe-3 obstacle which was an extreme slope (about 150 metres long) and with 25 degrees inclination, no winching point at the vicinity, made the TIFOR completelly like a TIAOR. Even the team leader could not make it to the top and must stop to find winching point by a combination of some straps. It was really a hard track. Even when the next vehicle tried to climbed up this slope, it suffered the same situation. This took an effort by combining about 120 metres of straps to pull it up. And so is the next Trooper which were waiting to climb up the slope, were pulled in tandem by the previous 2 vehicles at the top. This proccess was very tough and hard and took much time, even more because one of the front group was Pak Gafoer's Trooper, the 2-wheel drive. To pull this Trooper up required 3 cars because one of the Trooper at front did not have enough power and traction. This really an amazing effort and really exhausted. When the time shows at 20:00 pm, it was only 10 vehicles who were managed to free from this obstacle. It was then decided to withdrawl for the Troopers and other vehicles who were not yet reach the top, while the rest continued to finish the final route.
The group arrived in the final destination in 1 hour and then move straightly to the last regrouping point and closed this TIFOR. Precisely at 22:00 pm, all participants then split up and returned to home.
This event was also attended by some regional KTI representatives like Adit from KTI Bogor, Onno from KTI East Java, Mr. Imam from KTI Cilegon and Agus from KTI Bandung. This TIFOR really reflected an amazing brotherhood among all participants. Heavy terrain and unfriendly weather did not discourage all our fellow KTI members in working back to back. Even Abitani who was busy with his family event, took his time to come and arrived on location at about 15:00 pm. May the power of togetherness and the friendship will always present in the Big Family of KTI in any other events.
Bravo KTI!
"In GOD we trust, in TROOPER we ride"
"Always Faithfull and Never Leave Friends Behind"
Pictures sources: Ryco, Yudhi, Gafoer, Awan, Ronny, Trooper Indonesia mailing list, 04-2010
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